Community Health Nurses of Manitoba - CHNM

Community Health Nurses of Manitoba is a specialty interest group represented by nurses that work in public health, community health and home care settings.
The primary purpose of CHNM is to promote and enhance the health of Manitoba communities and advance the practice of community health nursing. CHNM is affiliated with the Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC).
- Officially formed as CHNM in 2013, adopting Terms of Reference in April 2014
- Established a Steering Committee and Working Groups
- Received 4 Capacity Building Seed Grants from CHNC
- Hosted several educational sessions for nurses in MB and Canada, including webinars
- Created an online evaluation survey for educational sessions
- Developed greater connections with home care, increasing their participation
- Hosted the 10th annual CHNC conference in Winnipeg in June 2015
- Provided funding support for Community Health Nurses from Manitoba to attend the CHNC conferences annually since 2015; priority given to CHNs from rural/remote areas
- Strengthened our relationship with CHNC nationally
- Link to our national specialty association CHNC
- Network with other CHNs provincially and nationally
- Attend educational sessions in person or via webinar
- Receive updates about relevant community health nursing issues in Manitoba
- Participate in a Working Group in person or via teleconference
- Influence/support Community Health practice, education, research and administration
We welcome your participation, a chance to exchange knowledge, and build on your professional practice! We need you; community, public health, and home care nurses that work in Manitoba for Manitobans. We need new members and fresh ideas as to how to best promote and advance community health nursing in Manitoba and to positively influence our community’s health. Join our group, and tell us what you think. Come to our group meetings and education sessions (in person or via teleconference) to learn about your peer’s work in the community! CHNM currently has approximately 200 nurses on the group email distribution list, and would love for you to be included.
Please contact us via email or Facebook.
Facebook: search "CHNM”
The current CHNM Steering Committee includes the following nurses:
Co-Chairs - Sara Shuster & vacant
Treasurer - Judy Saltel-Olson
Secretary - Lisa Dokken
Advisor - Claire Betker
Lead, Practice & Professional Development - Cathie Pickerl
Lead, Communication & Membership - Jennifer Osachuk & Jacob Ahiaegbe
CHNC MB Board Rep - Michelle Johnson
Past CHNC MB Board Rep and Advisor - Cheryl Cusack
Back Row: Sara Shuster, Michelle Long, Judy Saltel-Olson, Cathie Pickerl, Jennifer Osachuk
Front Row: Jacob Ahiaegbe, Lisa Dokken
CHNM Important Documents:
The above letter is to the Premier of Manitoba, Mr. Brian Pallister, outlining our concerns related to recent
and ongoing changes and cuts to health care in Manitoba. In addition to highlighting the issues, we also
included solutions related to greater collaboration with nurses and nursing organizations. The content of
the letter was discussed in advance with the Association of Registered Nurses of Manitoba. We wrote
the letter because CHNM has a role to play in identifying and responding to professional practice issues
that impact communities and the health of Manitobans, and to advocate for better health and health
care. As an organization representing Community Health Nurses, we focused particularly on concerns
related to health promotion and illness prevention, and also the specific needs of vulnerable
CHNM Newsletters:
CHNM Evaluations from Education Sessions:
CHNM Education Events:
Stay tuned for information about upcoming education sessions in November 2017