CHNC - National Nurses CHNC - National Nurses

Plenary Panel Discussion


Better Home Care Now:  A National Plan

The Better Home Care Now: A National Action Plan was released in 2016 after consultation with stakeholders. The goal of this report was to ensure a comprehensive set of actions to enhance home care in Canada. Better Home Care: A National Action Plan reflects the needs of patients, their carers and reinforces the philosophy that home, not a hospital or long-term care facility, is the best place to recover from an illness or injury, manage long-term conditions, and live out ones’ final days.  This report supports the Blueprint for Action in Community Health Nursing (CHNC, 2011) and the strategic change needed for Health System Transformation. This panel discussion will provide an overview of the key recommendations of the Better Home Care Now report. The impact and the activities, best practices that are being tested to improve home care will be explored by the panel.