Content in these external links is not controlled or managed by CHNC.
The Public Health Agency of Canada is pleased to announce the release of Chapters 4: Care during Labour and Birthof the updated Family-Centred Maternity and Newborn Care: National Guidelines. The guidelines are dedicated to improving and creating consistency in maternal and newborn health and to inform evidence based practice across Canada. The aim of the guidelines is to positively impact health from preconception to postpartum, and throughout the lifecourse of children, women and families.
Released are:
Chapter 4: Care During Labour and Birth
- Factsheet: Family-Centred Labour and Birth Experience
- Infographic: Labour and Birth in Canada
PDFs of the chapters and related factsheets/infographics are available online at:
Over the next two years the Public Health Agency of Canada will be releasing the remaining chapters.
If you have any questions about the Family-Centred Maternity and Newborn Care: National Guidelinesplease contact Lynn Menard at
Diabetes Canada is excited to announce that the Diabetes Canada 2018 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Diabetes in Canada (Guidelines) is now available online.
You can access the new Guidelines on the Diabetes Canada Guidelines website. Make sure to download the FREE App (for iPhone and Android users) for quick access from your smart phone or tablet!
See the 2018 Guidelines for the latest evidence and some key changes, including the addition of a new Diabetes and Driving chapter, new recommendations for cardiovascular risk reduction, and, in each chapter, new key messages for people living with diabetes (written in plain language).
Diabetes Canada’s Guidelines are designed to help with clinical decision making and to support health-care providers in their care for people living with diabetes. Using the Guidelines in practice can improve the care and quality of life of the diverse Canadian population living with diabetes, including children and adolescents, women of childbearing age or pregnant, older people, and high-risk socio-cultural groups.
Take some time to check out the Guidelines and stay tuned for upcoming information about webinars and professional development opportunities.
If you become a professional member of Diabetes Canada, you will receive a free copy of the Guidelines. Learn more here.
Thank you very much for your consideration and, support to help expand awareness and use of the Guidelines. We would be pleased to respond to questions and ideas that you have at any time, please email us
The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC) has been established by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to develop clinical practice guidelines that support primary care providers in delivering preventive health care.
Guideline development is based on systematic analysis of scientific evidence.
Primary health care professionals are the CTFPHC’s primary target audience. The work of the CTFPHC is also
to community and public health professionals (public health nurses, nutritionists), physician specialists, other health care and allied health professionals, program developers, policy makers, and the Canadian public.
A Public Health Agency of Canada Website which provides free online courses on epidemiology. Great resource.
VON is a not-for-profit, national health care organization and registered charity offering a wide range of community health care solutions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Saint Elizabeth Health Care has been an active participant in the development of community health since 1908. The organization began operations more than 95 years ago.
Focussed on more effective efforts to prevent chronic diseases, like cancer and heart disease, prevent injuries and respond to public health emergencies and infectious disease outbreaks.
The Public Health Agency of Canada, Office of Public Health Practice, is leading the development of core competencies for public health practitioners in Canada to help strengthen the public health workforce.
Focussed on more effective efforts to prevent chronic diseases, like cancer and heart disease, prevent injuries and respond to public health emergencies and infectious disease outbreaks.
Together with First Nations and Inuit organizations and communities, we carry out many activities aimed at helping people stay healthy, and prevent chronic and contagious diseases.
The New Brunswick Extra-Mural Program (known by many as the "hospital without walls") provides comprehensive home health care services to New Brunswickers in their homes and in their communities.
CIHI is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides essential information on Canada’s health system and the health of Canadians. Our stakeholders use our broad range of health databases,
measurements and standards, together with our evidence-based reports and analyses, in their day-to-day decision-making.
We welcome you to the home of a growing number of tools and ideas to assist community and public health nursing educators, students, and practitioners in promoting the health of groups and communities.
National Collaborating Centres for Public Health
The six National Collaborating Centres (NCCs) for Public Health promote and improve the use of scientific research and other knowledge to strengthen public health practices and policies in Canada. They identify knowledge gaps, foster networks and translate existing knowledge to produce and exchange relevant, accessible, and evidence-informed products with researchers, practitioners,
and policy makers.
The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) sponsors a national online learning network that will enable nurses to easily update and develop their professional competencies.
Links relevant to community health nursing.
The Canadian Association of Wound Care (CAWC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing skin health and wound management in Canada. Dedicated staff and volunteers work to improve the health of Canadians at risk for skin breakdown and the practice of the health-care professionals who care for them.
CASN/ACESI (Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing/
Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières) is the national voice for nursing education, research, and scholarship and represents baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs in Canada.
The Canadian Home Care Association (CHCA) advances excellence in home care through leadership, awareness, advocacy and knowledge. As a national association, the CHCA is a "unifying force" which amplifies our members' individual voices to influence national policy directions on key professional and political issues.
The CHPCA is the national voice for Hospice Palliative Care in Canada. Advancing and advocating for quality end-of-life/hospice palliative care in Canada, its work includes public policy, public education and awareness. Established in 1991, its volunteer Board of Directors is composed of hospice palliative care workers and volunteers from Canadian provinces and territories as well as members-at-large.
The Canadian Nurses Protective Society (CNPS®) is a not-for-profit society that offers legal advice, risk management services, legal assistance and professional liability protection related to nursing practice to eligible Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.
The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) is the national, independent, not-for-profit, voluntary association representing public health in Canada. CPHA’s members believe in universal and equitable access to the basic conditions which are necessary to achieve health for all Canadians.
The Community Health Nurses of Alberta (CHNAlberta) is a specialty practice group of CARNA Registered Nurses (RNs) who work in or with communities. Community Health Nurses (CHNs) are RNs who practice in public health, home health/care, community-based services and other community areas.
CHNIG acts as the voice of community Health Nurses influencing the health care system, and health and social policy in areas which affect the work of Community Health Nurses and the public we serve
The mission of the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association is to improve the health of Indigenous Peoples, by supporting Indigenous Nurses and by promoting the development and practice of Indigenous Health Nursing.
CNA is the national professional voice of Registered Nurses, supporting them in their practice and advocating for healthy public policy and a quality, publicly funded, not-for-profit health system.
The Canadian Nursing Students' Association (CNSA) is the national voice of Canadian nursing students. We are individuals, chapters, and lifetime/honorary members representing the interests and passions of students studying to be Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, Practical Nurses, and Advanced Practice Nurses across Canada
Dietitians of Canada (DC) is the nation-wide voice of dietitians - the most trusted source of information on food and nutrition for Canadians
Links associated with community health nursing research.
Health Care in Canada Survey, the most comprehensive survey of
Canadian public and health care providers’ opinions on health care issues.
The Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement supports the evidence-informed management of Canada's healthcare system by facilitating knowledge transfer and exchange.