CHNC - National Nurses CHNC - National Nurses

Oral-Systemic Health Education for Non-Dental Healthcare Providers

The Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) is pleased to endorse the Oral-Systemic Health Education for Non-Dental Healthcare Providers curriculum developed by the International Centre for Oral-Systemic Health at the University of Manitoba.  These courses are an important educational resource for community health nurses.  Oral health is a critical component of being a healthy person throughout life, impacting such things as nutritional status, mental health, prevention of chronic disease, and more. Find out more by visiting the website to see the courses offered.

CHNC Endorses Stop M2K Campaign

The Community Health Nurses of Canada has endorsed the Stop Marketing to Kids Campaign. We join over 50 other organizations who share the goal of restricting all food and beverage marketing to Canadian children age 16 and younger.

The Stop Marketing to Kids (Stop M2K) Coalition was founded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation in collaboration with the Childhood Obesity Foundation in 2014. The website is hosted and maintained by the Heart and Stroke Foundation with support from the Childhood Obesity Foundation. Check out more background and how you can take action at  Materials available in French at


Application for Endorsement by Community Health Nurses of Canada

The Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) will consider providing endorsement of position statements, non-therapeutic products; health or other services, public health or other campaigns, educational courses, research proposals (with completed ethics review); clinical books or guidelines, if the following conditions are met:

The endorsement requested must:

  • be consistent with CHNC mission, vision, values, and strategic objectives, and policies (see  ABOUT);
  • preserve or promote trust in CHNC and the wider community health nursing profession;
  • not undermine the public good and healthy public policy;
  • maintain the credibility and effectiveness of the CHNC brand;
  • preserve CHNC control over the corporate identity including use of the CHNC logo
  • not attempt to influence CHNC policies and positions;
  • not interfere with CHNC’s ability to choose its relationships with other individuals or organizations requesting endorsement or with which CHNC has a professional or funding relationship.

To request consideration of endorsement, please complete the CHNC Endorsement Application Form.  Send the completed form to for review.