CHNC - National Nurses CHNC - National Nurses

Explore Toronto: CHNC2024
Published on Friday, 5 April, 2024

Are you attending CHNC2024 in Toronto? 

Check out some of the attractions highlighted below!



While you're here for the conference,  why not take a short walk from Hart House to some of the city's key spots? Check out the Royal Ontario Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario, Dundas Square, Queen’s Park, Yorkville Shopping, and Chinatown. Each offers a unique experience, adding an extra layer of discovery to your visit. Dive into the heart of Toronto's vibrant culture, all within reach! 



Just a bit further from Hart House, discover city highlights like the CN Tower, Ripley’s Aquarium, Rogers Centre, Mirvish Theatre, the Hop-On Hop-Off City Tour, and Second City Comedy. Perfect for a day out in Toronto! 



Don't miss the chance to experience TIFF, the city's heart of cinematic excellence. Beyond the famed September festival, TIFF offers a year-round showcase of international and Canadian films in its superb venue. Plus, with everything from casual café bites to sophisticated dining at Luma. Make your Toronto visit memorable with a visit to TIFF!



While in Toronto, lace up your shoes and experience the serene beauty of the Toronto Island. Wander through charming artist homes, lush parks, and sandy beaches. Or, enjoy a ferry ride for breathtaking views of the city skyline—an affordable way to admire Toronto from the water. Ferries depart from Bay Street every 30 minutes, or grab a water taxi from the nearby wharf for just $10. 



Don't miss out on visiting Stackt Market, North America's largest shipping container market, right here in Toronto! This unique cultural hub is crafted from shipping containers, offering an eclectic mix of retail, gourmet delights, a microbrewery, and vibrant events, all set against stunning city views. Plus, it's just steps away from iconic landmarks like the Rogers Centre, CN Tower, The Well Exhibit, and The Big Red Canoe.

Check out more to see at  #CHNC2024

Great Big News Spring 2024 Edition is here!
Published on Wednesday, 27 March, 2024

Great Big News Spring 2024 edition is now available!

Check out our latest newsletter for information about the upcoming national CHNC conference, CHNC2024, in Toronto, the amazing Keynote Speakers and the preconference sessions! Inside you will also be introduced to CHNCs own MOSIAC: A Community of Practice and  the recent experience with community health nursing in Brazil from one of our very own members! Plus much more!
Great Big News is scheduled to be emailed out to members today!



CHNC Member Spotlight: Cheryl van Daalen-Smith dedicates her book to Canada's Public Health Nurses
Published on Thursday, 21 March, 2024

One of our very own CHNC members has launched a new website!

Congratulations to Cheryl van Daalen-Smith on the recent release of her new book and website. 

 "With experiences as a public health nurse, and nursing professor, Cheryl van Daalen-Smith’s deep love for her work and appreciation of the privileged lessons afforded to nurses who bear witness to the lives of diverse individuals and communities are what inspired her to write The Chronicles of Paisley • Corners. Prior to writing the novel, her writing has largely been academic, crafting articles on girls’ and women’s mental health and co-editing Canada’s leading public health nursing text. She dedicates The Chronicles of Paisley • Corners to Canada’s public health nurses who understand it well when she writes that ‘Health is a matter of who matters.’ "

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (, 2024)


Cheryl will be providing a session and will be available to discuss her new book. If you are interested in booking a session for your team see her website for details.

Click here to visit the site!

Home (


Next MOSIAC session March 20th 12:00pm EST
Published on Tuesday, 12 March, 2024

March 20th, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm

MOSIAC: A Community of Practice

Moral Distress: Building Personal Capacity and Taking Collective Action

Guest Presenter: Dr. Catherine Baxter, RN, PhD (Brandon University


Register Here!

MOSAIC Community of Practice ( 

**Please remember to check your junk mail folder for the registration email**

What is Community of Practice (CoP)?

CoP is a group of people with a common passion who come together to share resources and learn through ongoing interactions. 

What is MOSIAC?

An online forum for CHNs to:

Support and share community health nursing experiences,

Shape positivity and advocacy for change,

Identify and address challenges that impact CHN’s practice and work conditions,

Incorporate different ways of knowing and doing to understand CHNs’ influence within the current healthcare.




Les Mars 20 2024 12:00-1:00 EST 


Détresse morale: renforcer les capacitiés personnelles et entreprendre des actions collectives

Dr. Catherine Baxter, RN, PhD


Une communauté de pratique, c’est quoi?

Une communauté de pratique est un groupe de personnes ayant une passion commune qui se rassemble pour partager leurs ressources et faciliter l’échange de connaissances grâce à des interactions.


Inscrivez-vous ici!

MOSAIC Community of Practice ( 

Qu’est-ce que MOSIAC?

Un forum en ligne permaettant aux ISC de:

Soutenir et partager les experiences en soins infirmiers en sante Communautaire.

Facinner la positivite er plaidoyer pour le changment, Identifier et relever les defis qui ont un impact sur la pratique et les conditions de travail ISC.

Incorporer differenters manieres de savoir et d’agir pour comprendre l’influence des ISC dans le secteur des soins de sante actuel.


Award of Merit 2023-2024 Call for Nominations
Published on Tuesday, 13 February, 2024

Community Health Nurses of Canada


Award of Merit 2023-2024 Call for Nominations


Each year, the Community Health Nurses of Canada offers an Award of Merit to one or more outstanding nurse(s) for their exemplary, visionary contribution to community health nursing.


Why nominate a community health nurse for the Award of Merit?

This is an excellent opportunity to honor nurses and to highlight and celebrate their important contribution to community health nursing. The award winner(s) will be announced during the CHNC National conference.


Call for Nominations:

To be eligible for this award, the community health nurse must be nominated by a current CHNC member.


Eligibility Criteria

♦ The nominees can be active or retired; posthumous nominations are welcome.

♦ The nominees should be a registered nurse or a past registered nurse (if retired)

♦ The nominees do not have to be current members of CHNC.

♦ The nominees should have a minimum of two years of experience as a community health nurse.

♦ The nominees work must be related to community health nursing from a research, education, administration, policy, and/or practice perspective


A completed nomination package should include and be limited to:

· A nomination letter that is not longer than 500 words

· The nomination must have a minimum of one additional supporter who is asked to provide a one-page letter of support as an attachment to the nomination package.

· CVs will not be required or adjudicated.



Deadline for Accepting Nominations is April 2, 2024

Selection Criteria

Nominations are reviewed based on the following criteria:


The nominee’s contributions to community health nursing are outlined in the nomination package showing evidence of, but not limited to, the following:

o leadership

o innovation

o mentorship

o advocacy

o evidence based practice

Nominators are strongly encouraged to use the CHNC Standards of Practice to highlight their nominee.


Nomination packages are accepted in PDF format only.

Please email completed nominations to CHNC Chair or Membership at

Register now for Community Health Nursing - Health for All
Published on Monday, 12 February, 2024

Register Now! Full Program Available!
Discounted registration fees available for CHNC members & students!

Community Health Nursing: Health for All

National Community Health Nursing Conference
Community Health Nurses of Canada
April 22-24, 2024 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Registration is now open for CHNC2024: Community Health Nursing - Health for All, our national Community Health Nursing conference.  
CHNC2024 will take place April 22-24, 2024 in historic Hart House at the University of Toronto.
Our goal is advancing Community Health Nursing in Canada and you are invited to join a dynamic group of nurses from across Canada who will come together and share their community health knowledge.

CHNC2024 features over 100 presentations, including pre-conference consultations, oral presentations, interactive sessions and our esteemed keynote speakers:

| Leigh Chapman, Chief Nursing Officer, Health Canada
| Dionne Sinclair, Vice President, Clinical Operations & Chief Nursing Executive, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Our conference brings together individuals who have an interest in Community Health Nursing from practice, research, administration, policy and education. Networking opportunities offer a forum to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions.

View the full program, register and find travel and accommodation information on the conference website at

Sign up for our mailing list to keep up-to-date:

Showcase your company to leaders in community health nursing! CHNC2024 offers opportunities for sponsorship, exhibiting and advertising -- with options available to fit any budget! For more information, please view our CHNC2024 Prospectus:

Une Communaute de Pratique: Défis et récompenses Travailler dans une communauté des Premières Nations avec l'invitée Peggy Dick
Published on Tuesday, 6 February, 2024


Défis et récompenses Travailler dans une communauté des Premières Nations avec l'invitée Peggy Dick

Peggy est infirmière autorisée, superviseure aux services de santé de Pikwakanagan et citoyenne de la Première Nation algonquine de Pikwakanagan.

21 Fev 2024 12 - 130 EST

Pour vous inscrire, cliquez ici ou copiez et collez le lien ci-dessous dans votre navigateur. Assurez-vous de vérifier votre dossier de courrier indésirable pour le lien de la réunion.

Les infirmières et infirmiers en santé communautaire au Canada

...sont confrontés à des problèmes constants de main d’oeuvre, entraînant des taux élevés d'épuisement professionnel et de changement de carrière.

...ont communiqué leur besoin de se réunir pour discuter de l’environnement actuel des soins de santé, soutenir leur pratique et plaider en faveur des changements nécessaires.

 Une communauté de pratique, c’est quoi?

Une communauté de pratique est un groupe de personnes ayant une passion commune qui se rassemble pour partager leurs ressources et faciliter l’échange de connaissances grâce à des interactions.

Upcoming CoP session: Challenges and Rewards working in a First Nation Community
Published on Tuesday, 6 February, 2024

MOSIAC: A Community of Practice

Challenges and Rewards Working in a First Nation Community with guest Peggy Dick

Peggy is a RN, Supervisor at Pikwakanagan Health Services and citizen of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation.

February 21, 2024 12pm-130pm EST

To register click here or copy and paste the link below into your browser. Please make sure to check your junk mail folder for the meeting link!

Community Health Nurses in Canada:

...face many workforce challenges that are leading to high rates of burnout and turnover. interest in coming together to discuss the current healthcare environment, support practice, and advocate for change.

What is Community of Practice (CoP)?

CoP is a group of people with a common passion who come together to share resources and learn through ongoing interactions.

What is MOSIAC?

An online forum for CHNs to:

Support and share community health nursing experiences,

Shape positivity and advocacy for change,

Identify and address challenges that impact CHN’s practice and work conditions,


Incorporate different ways of knowing and doing to understand CHNs’ influence within the current healthcare.

2024 Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada: Sessions Jan 31 (Eng) and Fev 2 ( Francais)
Published on Monday, 29 January, 2024

The Public Health Agency of Canada has commissioned the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health to engage with the Canadian public health community in order to update the 2008 Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada


Why is this project important? 

The Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada have been used:  

  • As a framework for public health workforce development, collaboration, planning and action.
  • To inform public health education and training (e.g., graduate public health programs, certification) and continuing professional development.
  • As a human resources tool for recruitment, orientation, position descriptions, performance evaluation and retention. 
  • As a foundation for discipline-specific competencies.   


Invitation to participate – Share your ideas and perspectives!  

The National Collaborating Centres for Public Health are committed to seeking input from a broad and diverse range of perspectives that make up the public health community in Canada. Core competencies reflect the essential knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for effective public health practice.


Have a say in shaping the 2024 Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada. Your ideas and perspectives are critical. 


If you haven’t been able to participate in the engagement process yet, now is your chance! Engagement sessions are being offered on the following dates.

English Session: January 31, 2024 | 2:00 – 3:30 pm ET | Register Here

French Session:  February 2, 2024 | 1 – 2:30 pm ET | Register Here


For more information about this project visit: 


If you have any questions, comments, feedback, or ideas about this project, you can contact the project team at  



Chers collègues, 


L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada a mandaté les Centres de collaboration nationale en santé publique (CCNSP) pour travailler avec le milieu de la santé publique du Canada à la mise à jour des énoncés de compétences essentielles en santé publique au Canada qui remontent à 2008. 


Pourquoi le projet est-il important? 

Soulignons que les énoncés de compétences essentielles en santé publique servent : 

  • De cadre de référence en matière de perfectionnement professionnel, de collaboration, de planification et d’action en ce qui a trait à la main-d’œuvre en santé publique. 
  • De fil conducteur pour l’enseignement et la formation (p. ex., programmes d’études supérieures et reconnaissance professionnelle en santé publique) et la formation continue en santé publique. 
  • D’outil de recrutement, d’orientation, de description de poste, d’évaluation du rendement et de rétention du personnel. 
  • De fondement aux compétences spécifiques à certaines disciplines. 


Invitation à participer – Faites connaître votre opinion et vos idées! 

Les CCNSP se sont engagés à obtenir des perspectives aussi diverses que nombreuses du milieu de la santé publique au Canada. Les compétences essentielles réfèrent aux connaissances, aux habiletés et aux attitudes à maîtriser pour assurer des pratiques efficaces en santé publique.

Ayez votre mot à dire concernant la mise à jour 2024 des énoncés de compétences essentielles en santé publique au Canada. Vos idées et votre opinion comptent énormément! 

En français : 2 février 2024 | 13 h – 14 h 30 HE | Vous inscrire ici


En anglais : 31 janvier 2024 | 14 h – 15 h 30 HE | Vous inscrire ici



Pour en savoir plus au sujet du projet, rendez-vous au


Communiquez avec l’équipe de projet au si vous avez des questions, des commentaires ou des idées au sujet du projet. 

New! Powerpoint Presentations about the standards are now available on the CHNC Website
Published on Friday, 26 January, 2024

Powerpoint presentations about the Standards are now available on the CHNC website.

CHNC Standards – FPN Focus

CHNC Standards – HHN Focus

CHNC Standards – PHN Focus

CHNC Standards – Educator Version

CHNC Standards – en français

Click HERE to review the CHNC Standard PowerPoint presentations. Once you have accessed the site, choose which Standard you wish to review and it will download for you to view.

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