CHNC - National Nurses CHNC - National Nurses

Call for Resolutions: CHNC Annual General Meeting 2020
Published on Tuesday, 18 February, 2020

The Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Monday, May 25, 2020 in conjunction with National Community Health Nursing Conference in Richmond, BC (registration opens soon!)

The Annual General Meeting agenda and further details will be posted shortly.  

Call for Resolutions
Please submit any resolutions on or before March 31, 2020 at 11:59pm Eastern Time to the Governance Standing Committee at   For Resolution Guidelines click here.

Call for Nominations: CHNC Board of Directors
Published on Friday, 24 January, 2020

Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) Nominating Committee is seeking experienced, committed, skilled individuals, who are passionate about community health nursing, as nominees for the CHNC Board of Directors to lead CHNC into the future.

The Call for Nominations is for the following Director positions for two-year terms of office beginning at the time of the Annual General Meeting held in conjunction with the National Community Health Nurses of Canada Conference, May 25-27, 2020, in Richmond, BC.

Executive Positions

  • President Elect (4 year term through President Elect-President-Past President)
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

Provincial and Territorial Representatives

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut; and
  • Yukon

For more information, please see the official Call for Nominations and the nomination form.

Call for Abstracts: Community Health Nursing Now: Deadline extended!
Published on Tuesday, 5 November, 2019

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Deadline extended to November 29, 2019!

CHNC2020: Community Health Nursing Now!
National Community Health Nursing Conference
Community Health Nurses of Canada

May 25-27, 2020 | Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport

The Community Health Nurses of Canada are excited to announce the Call for Abstracts for CHNC2020: Community Health Nursing Now!, our national Community Health Nursing conference.  

CHNC2020 takes place May 25-27, 2020 at the Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport.  

Our goal is advancing Community Health Nursing in Canada and you are invited to join a dynamic group of nurses from across Canada who will come together and share their community health knowledge in 2020, named Year of the Nurse and Midwife by the World Health Organization in honour of Florence Nightingale.  

The CHNC2020 conference theme reflects Nursing Now, an initiative of the International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization to improve health by raising the profile of nursing, with the goal of tackling 21st century health challenges. Our theme also reflects our new and revised 2019 Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice.  

Our conferences bring together individuals who have an interest in Community Health Nursing from practice, research, administration, policy and education. Networking opportunities offer a forum to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions. 

Abstracts are due by November 29, 2019.  

For more information, including discounted room rates at the Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport, please visit

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Call for Abstracts: Community Health Nursing Now! National Community Health Nursing Conference
Published on Thursday, 19 September, 2019

The Community Health Nurses of Canada are excited to announce the Call for Abstracts for CHNC2020: Community Health Nursing NOW!, our national Community Health Nursing conference.  

CHNC2020 will place May 25-27, 2020 at the Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport.  

Our goal is advancing Community Health Nursing in Canada and you are invited to join a dynamic group of nurses from across Canada who will come together and share their community health knowledge in 2020, named Year of the Nurse and Midwife by the World Health Organization in honour of Florence Nightingale.  

The CHNC2020 conference theme reflects Nursing Now, an initiative of the International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organization to improve health by raising the profile of nursing, with the goal of tackling 21st century health challenges. Our theme also reflects our new and revised 2019 Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice.  

Our conferences bring together individuals who have an interest in Community Health Nursing from practice, research, administration, policy and education. Networking opportunities offer a forum to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions. 

Abstracts are due by November 1, 2019.  

For more information, including discounted room rates at the Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport, please visit

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Community Health Nursing Certification: July 2019 Updates
Published on Friday, 12 July, 2019

The Canadian Nurses Association has added new dates for Community Health Nursing certification applications.  Please see attachments for further details:

Revised Standards of Practice Available
Published on Thursday, 9 May, 2019

Looking for a way to cap off your celebration of National Nursing Week?  How about a obtaining a copy of the revised Canadian Community Health Nursing Professional Practice Model & Standards of Practice?
CHNC is excited to announce that this document is updated for 2019 and is now available!
This revised document defines the practice of a registered nurse in the specialty area of community health nursing and provides a guide for CHNs and their employers to evaluate their practice.
The publication features:
a) The components of the professional practice model and the graphic that describes the structure, process and values that support the community health nurse's control over the delivery of nursing care and the environment in which care is delivered.
b) Eight standards of practice that represent a vision for excellence in community health nursing. The Standards of Practice also provide a foundation for national certification and research in community health nursing.
c) Updated Appendices, including the glossary of terms used in the document.

You can view this document on the CHNC website.
You can also purchase your own personal copy here (English) or here (Français). Print copies in English only and downloadable pdf copies in English or French are available for purchase. 

Attention employers/educators: You can help your nurses/students celebrate Nursing Week, and community health nursing throughout the year, through bulk orders of either print or pdf copies at reduced pricing.  Orders can be placed by emailing

CHNC has undertaken an enhancement to our e-commerce site to support pdf purchases.  As with any new system that is implemented it is possible that we could experience a few minor glitches along the way in spite of our best efforts to avoid this. If you should encounter any difficulties when ordering, please contact

Annual General Meeting 2019 Materials Available
Published on Monday, 6 May, 2019

The agenda and materials for the CHNC 2019 Annual General Meeting are now available for members to review prior to the meeting. Members may log-in to view these materials. 

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Members may Login to access these documents.
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Members may Login to access these documents.
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Members may Login to access these documents.
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Members may Login to access these documents.

LGBTQ2 Health Study
Published on Tuesday, 9 April, 2019

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Health is currently undertaking a study on LGBTQ2 Health in Canada.
CHNC has submitted a brief to the Committee with four recommendations. To find out more and to access the brief, visit the CHNC Position Papers tab. 

CHNC Webinar: Strengthening public health nursing leadership for system transformation
Published on Friday, 5 April, 2019

A CHNC Webinar in collaboration with CNA Winter 2019 Leadership Webinar Series

This webinar will delve into transformational leadership in public health nursing, exploring its key elements, biggest challenges and best practices. You’ll learn strategies for strengthening leadership that can lead to system transformation.

Register today!
Presented by: Josephine Etowa, PhD, MN, BScN, RN, RM, FWACN, FAAN
Professor and Loyer-DaSilva Research Chair in Public Health Nursing,
School of Nursing, University of Ottawa

Josephine Etowa is a professor and Loyer-DaSilva research chair in public health nursing at the University of Ottawa. As well, she is a senior investigator with the Centre for Research on Health and Nursing and a founding member and past president of the Health Association of African Canadians. Her research program includes studies on health equity, perinatal health, HIV/AIDS, nurses’ work-life balance and community health nursing.

Help wanted for stroke and sexuality study
Published on Sunday, 17 March, 2019

We are conducting a research study to explore attitudes towards addressing sexuality among health professionals in the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Singapore and South Africa.

We would like to invite you to complete a survey which measures attitudes and barriers to including sexuality in stroke rehabilitation.

If you are a physician, nurse, occupational therapist, physiotherapist speech pathologist, psychologist, social worker or rehabilitation counsellor working in stroke rehabilitation in Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, Ireland, Canada, Singapore or South Africa we are looking for people like you!

Dr Margaret McGrath, Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney
Dr Emma Power, Associate Professor at the University of Technology Sydney
Michelle Anne Low, Honours student at the University of Sydney

Please read the Participant Information Sheet 

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