MOSIAC September 18th 2024
Published on Friday, 13 September, 2024
Title: Equitable health policy, human rights, and the role of nurses as change agents
Presenter: J. Craig Phillips, RN, PhD (University of Ottawa)
Clicl link below to register!

Health Equity and Community Health Nursing: One Organization's Journey
Published on Tuesday, 31 October, 2023
CHNC is pleased to announce our next webinars for November 2023, which is brought to you by the CHNC Leadership Committee!
There is no charge to attend this webinar, and all are welcome to join! Please feel free to share this webinar information widely.
Title of Webinar:
Health Equity & Community Health Nursing: One Organization’s Journey
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023
Time: 12-1 pm ET (9-10 am PT; 10-11 am MT; 11 am - 12 pm CT; 1-2 pm AT)
To register for this webinar, click here
Learning objectives for this webinar:
· To share Key Health Equity Concepts
· To briefly describe Ontario Public Health Standards
· To identify Nursing Ethics and Code of Conduct
· To provide an overview Public Health Sudbury & Districts’ Health Equity Journey
· To outline opportunities to Make Health Equity Efforts More Impactful
Presenter Bio:
Sandra Laclé, RN, BN, MScN
Sandra Laclé, Acting Director at Public Health Sudbury & Districts has returned from a brief retirement to continue her contribution and passion for public health leadership and ensuring access to health for communities. Sandra entered the public health leadership realm more than 30 years ago and has led in roles of executive director (acting) and director for teams of 75 to 500 people. Sandra has a passion for helping leaders contribute to their full potential as they work collectively, across sectors, to achieve their goals and make a difference in the health of communities. Sandra’s work is grounded in her nursing experience (BN Class of 1982) working front line in public health, long term care and acute care. She has also held management roles each of these sectors, as well as a volunteer membership on several Boards and Committees.

2024 Core Competencies for Public Health: CHNC Engagement Sessions
Published on Monday, 30 October, 2023
The Community Health Nurses of Canada are reaching out today with some exciting news for the Canadian public health community. The Public Health Agency of Canada has commissioned the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health to engage with the Canadian public health community in order to update the 2008 Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada.
Why is this project important?
The Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada have been used:
· As a framework for public health workforce development, collaboration, planning and action.
· To inform public health education and training (e.g., graduate public health programs, certification) and continuing professional development.
· As a human resources tool for recruitment, orientation, position descriptions, performance evaluation and retention.
· As a foundation for discipline-specific competencies.
Invitation to participate – Share your ideas and perspectives!
The National Collaborating Centres for Public Health are committed to seeking input from a broad and diverse range of perspectives that make up the public health community in Canada. This project will engage and collaborate with key public health partners across the country to develop core competencies aligned with current needs and priorities of the public health system.
The CHNC is hosting a virtual engagement session to receive input and feedback on the core competencies. Hear an update on the project and provide input on cross-cutting themes, categories, and more.
Core competencies reflect the essential knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for effective public health practice. Have a say in shaping the 2024 Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada. Your ideas and perspectives are critical.
Register here: November 8, 2023 Session or November 15, 2023 Session . For more information about this project visit: https://nccph.ca/projects/2024-core-competencies-for-public-health-in-canada/
Please share this invitation broadly with your colleagues, public health partners, and wider networks.
If you have any questions, comments, feedback, or ideas about this project, you can contact the project team at corecomp@stfx.ca

CNA seeking volunteers
Published on Friday, 29 September, 2023
The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) are seeking input from a variety of nurses to review the Competency Framework Draft and provide feedback through a Survey (Apprx. 2 hrs) throughout all provinces. This includes nurses from any regulatory class and with varied areas of expertise. Preferred participation criteria is provided below, and it is preferred that volunteers meet one or more of the listed expertise and/or work experiences:
- Clinical Nurses Prescribers
- Including Nurse Practitioners and Authorized Nurse Prescribers
- Clinical Nurses (non-prescribing)
- Direct care role
- IPAC nurse role
- Nursing education expertise
- Development/implementation of nursing competencies
- AMS knowledge base, curriculum development
- Nursing policy expertise
- Nursing research expertise
- Specifically related to the development/evaluation of nursing competencies
If you are interested, or if you know of 1 or 2 nurse members who may be interested in this work and who meet any of the classifications above, please forward the names and contact information as well as a brief bio or their experience to our Lead Investigator, Deanne O’Rourke at 2definesolutions@mymts.net. Selected Participants will be contacted by Ms. O’Rourke with further information and next steps.

Published on Friday, 4 August, 2023
CHNC Conference Toronto Ontario
The National Conference Planning Committee would like your help in supporting the planning for the CHNC National Conference in 2024, April 22-24, 2024, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The theme of the conference is Community Health Nursing: Health for All. The Conference will be in Toronto on the campus of University of Toronto, The Hart House. The National Conference Committee has been working to start planning for this event. The co chairs for the National Conference Planning Committee, Karen Curry, and Cindy Baker- Barill look forward to working with CHNC members to ensure a successful in person conference in 2024. There are a few committees that need your input and ideas to ensure the conference has broad reach and addressed the concerns of all domains of practice in community health. If you are interested in participating in conference planning, please contact Karen Curry karen.curry@dal.ca.
Program Committee:
· Abstract preparation
· Keynote presentations
· Program Planning
· Pre-Conference Planning
· Evaluation
Contact with local, provincial, and national sponsors.
· Developing communication tools to promote the conference and abstract submissions.
· Work with CHNIG re Ontario social media promotion via CHNIG
· CHNC Communications committee member support
· Ontario CHNC members, mainly
· Welcome event planning.
· Registration Desk volunteers
· Offsite event planning

Register for the upcoming webinar with Dr. Claire Betker
Published on Friday, 26 May, 2023

- Discuss how health inequities exposed during the pandemic contributed to poor population health outcomes and moral distress in CHNs
- Discuss system transformation and opportunities for positive disruption
- Explore the distribution of power and its influence on system transformation
- Learn approaches, levers and strategies to influence systems to advance health equity
- Identify community organizations and partners to work with in system transformation.

Next CHNC Webinar: May 23 - It's Time to Talk: Increasing HPV Awareness and Prevention with your Patients
Published on Friday, 12 May, 2023
CHNC is pleased to announce another webinar in our 2023-2024 CHNC Professional Development Webinar Series!
The next webinar is part of a series of three webinars that will specifically focus on Vaccines Across the Lifespan. The webinars will be recorded and posted on the CHNC YouTube site for those who are unable to attend. There is no charge to attend the webinars and all are welcome to join!
Title of Webinar: It's Time to Talk: Increasing HPV Awareness and Prevention with your Patients
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Time: 12-1 pm ET (9-10 am PT; 10-11 am MT; 11 am - 12 pm CT; 1-2 pm AT)
To register for this webinar, click here.
Learning objectives for this webinar:
1. Provide an overview of HPV and recent trends in HPV diseases including head and neck cancer
2. Review HPV public programs in Canada
3. Discuss the value of adult HPV immunization, including males
4. Discuss NACI recommendations and Medical Society position statements on HPV prevention
5. Explore practical tips on how to initiate discussions on HPV diseases and prevention
Presenter Bio: Nancy Durand, MDCM, FRCSC
Dr. Durand is an Associate Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Toronto in Canada. She received her medical degree from McGill University in Montreal, Canada and completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at McGill University. She is on staff at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Canada in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Her clinical practice focuses on HPV and colposcopy. She speaks nationally and internationally about Human Papilloma Virus and HPV vaccination.
This webinar has been generously supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Pfizer, Merck, and Sanofi.
CHNC Standards of Practice Infographic Available
Published on Friday, 6 January, 2023

Season's Greetings
Published on Tuesday, 20 December, 2022

October/November CHNs Stepping Up
Published on Tuesday, 8 November, 2022