CHNC - National Nurses CHNC - National Nurses

Community Health Nursing Stories Published
Published on Tuesday, 15 August, 2017

Community Health Nurses of Canada was excited to celebrate the 30th anniversary of this organization at our 2017 conference in Niagara Falls, ON.  In honour of this occasion, CHNC has published a book, launched at the AGM on June 20, 2017.

Caring and Connecting: Touching the Lives of Canadians through Community Health Nursing is a compilation of stories submitted by community health nurses across Canada.   It is a wonderful testament to the impact community health nurses have on individuals, families and communities.  
You can read an example of the kind of story that you will find in this book here.
CHNC is pleased to make this unique publication available for purchase on the CHNC website.  Nurses at the conference identified that this is a great read and affirming of why they do what they do every day.  It is a good resource for educators and preceptors and students as well.  CHNC invites you to get your own copy today.  A great gift for a fellow nurse, speakers, or nursing students.

CNF Documentary "The Journey"
Published on Tuesday, 16 May, 2017

CNF launches new documentary film profiling three Indigenous nurses in their quest through education to better their communities. 


Watch The Journey



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Release of Arabic Maternal and Child Health Resources
Published on Wednesday, 26 April, 2017

The Public Health Agency of Canada, in collaboration with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, is happy to launch a collection of evidence-based maternal and child health related resources that have been translated into Arabic. The materials are translations of resources that are available in English and French and well utilized across Canada.

The documents are intended for prenatal women and families with young children who read Arabic. Topics include prenatal care, breastfeeding, child health and safety, nutrition, behaviour, early child development and parental coping skills.

Please find attached a list and description of each resource in English and French. The documents are only available electronically and can be accessed by sending a request to DCA.public.inquiries@phac-

Stop Marketing to Kids Campaign Update
Published on Tuesday, 28 March, 2017

One Year Since Coalition Launch!

It’s been one year since the Stop M2K Coalition was launched on February 24, 2016. Thanks in large part to your endorsement of the Stop M2K Coalition’s policy recommendation, The Ottawa Principles, we have made huge strides towards robust M2K legislation in Canada. We have many milestones and achievements to celebrate!


The Heart and Stroke Foundation’s annual Report on the Health of Canadians unveiled groundbreaking research on internet food and beverage marketing to kids in Canada.

The report revealed that the food and beverage industry is marketing our children and youth to death.

  • Collectively, Canadian kids (ages 2-11) see 25 million food and beverage ads a year on their 10 top favourite websites.  
  • The top five products marketed to children online are Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts, Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, McDonald's Happy Meals, Red Bull Energy Drink, and Kraft Lunchables. 
  • The top five products marketed to teens online are Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, Kellogg's Froot Loops, Red Bull Energy Drink, Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, and Tim Hortons’ Roll Up the Rim to Win.

CHNC Endorses Oral-Systemic Health Education for Non-Dental Healthcare Providers Curriculum
Published on Tuesday, 7 February, 2017

The Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) is pleased to endorse the Oral-Systemic Health Education for Non-Dental Healthcare Providers curriculum developed by the International Centre for Oral-Systemic Health at the University of Manitoba.  These courses are an important educational resource for community health nurses.  Oral health is a critical component of being a healthy person throughout life, impacting such things as nutritional status, mental health, prevention of chronic disease, and more. Find out more by visiting the website to see the courses offered.

CPHA Position Statement: The Opioid Crisis in Canada
Published on Tuesday, 7 February, 2017

CPHA Position Statement: The Opioid Crisis in Canada
There is an expanding opioid crisis in Canada that is resulting in epidemic-like numbers of overdose deaths. The current approaches to managing this situation have failed to reduce the death toll and should be supplemented with an enhanced and comprehensive public health approach. Such an approach would include the meaningful involvement of people with lived experience. CPHA calls on the Government of Canada, in partnership with provinces, territories, municipalities and Indigenous peoples’ governments to expand current efforts to manage this crisis.
Énoncé de position de l’ACSP : La crise des opioïdes au Canada
Une crise des opioïdes s’étend au Canada et entraîne un nombre épidémique de décès par surdose. Les démarches actuelles pour gérer la situation n’ont pas réussi à réduire le bilan des pertes humaines; il faudrait y ajouter une démarche de santé publique rehaussée et globale. Une telle démarche inclurait la participation concrète de personnes ayant une expérience vécue. L’ACSP appelle le gouvernement du Canada, en partenariat avec les provinces, les territoires, les municipalités et les gouvernements autochtones, à élargir les efforts en cours pour gérer cette crise.

CHNC Endorses Stop M2K Campaign
Published on Wednesday, 21 December, 2016

The Community Health Nurses of Canada has endorsed the Stop Marketing to Kids Campaign. We join over 50 other organizations who share the goal of restricting all food and beverage marketing to Canadian children age 16 and younger.
The Stop Marketing to Kids (Stop M2K) Coalition was founded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation in collaboration with the Childhood Obesity Foundation in 2014. The website is hosted and maintained by the Heart and Stroke Foundation with support from the Childhood Obesity Foundation. Check out more background and how you can take action at  Materials available in French at

Membership Renewal for CHNIG & CHN Alberta Members
Published on Wednesday, 25 May, 2016

As you know for the past number of years your membership fees for CHNC were collected through your provincial association. Due to changes in CHNC bylaws and policy during a process required under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, group membership fees no longer exist and your CHNC membership fees must be paid directly to CHNC. Your membership to CHNIG or CHN Alberta will continue as usual in the Fall 2015 for membership in 2016, however, it will not include membership for CHNC. Membership renewal time at CHNC is January 1st. At that time you will be sent a reminder that your CHNC membership renewal is due. Membership in both your provincial & national association is important and we encourage you to renew to support both local and national initiatives.
Why is membership in my national association important?

CHNC continues to grow and evolve, becoming known as the Centre of Excellence for Community Health Nurses in Canada. Viewed as a credible, expert organization, CHNC is recognized as the national voice for community health nurses in Canada. CHNC is advocating for health system transformation, and optimized CHN scopes of practice, leadership, education, research, and professional development.
CHNC Membership allows you to become involved in this innovative organization and entitles you to a number of benefits including:

  • access to the quarterly newsletter,
  • regular updates for members,
  • reduced conference registration fees,
  • access to professional development opportunities,
  • access to the members’ only section of the CHNC website,
  • eligibility to apply or be nominated for CHNC bursaries and awards,
  • opportunity to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting, vote in CHNC elections or be elected to sit on the CHNC Board of Directors.
  • If you have CNA Certification in Community Health Nursing your involvement in CHNC committees, boards and forums provides continuing education hours towards re-certification and four continuous learning hours per year for membership in CHNC as your national specialty group. That means in your 5 year certification cycle you could earn 20 continuous learning hours, 20% of those required for recertification – just by being a member of CHNC!

Most importantly CHNC membership provides you with the opportunity to network with community health nursing colleagues across the country and to influence community health nursing & community health in Canada by representing CHNC on national committees, consultations, projects and forums. It has never been more important to have a strong national association advocating for community health nursing and community health. Whether you are interested in becoming a member simply to be informed and to contribute to the financial support of CHNC or whether you are able to contribute more of your time by participating on standing committees or other CHNC activities, CHNC needs your support - together we are leaders for a healthy Canada!

To contact CHN Alberta To contact CHNIG

Social Media in Public Health
Published on Sunday, 8 February, 2015

This briefing note outlines the use of social media by organizations with a public health focus.
Click here to read more.
Click here to download the document.
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